Service Support
Our engineers will be pleased to provide service and support to all compaines utilizing Contact Cleaning type products, both from Tekena and all other manufacturers. Many forms of service support are avaialble to include:
- Personal telephone call to troubleshoot issues with products
- Personal telephone call to explain operation of products
- Personal telephone call to identify spare part requirements
- Personal telephone call to instruct on spare part installation
- E Mail exchange to troubleshoot issues with products
- E Mail exchange to exchange drawings, technical specifications, installation details etc
- E Mail exchange to explain operation of products
- E Mail exchange to identify spare part requirement
- E Mail exchange to instruct on spare part installation
- E mail exchange to troubleshoot issues with products
- Site visit to present drawings, technical specifications, installation details etc
- Site visit to carry out product repair
- Site visit to troubleshoot issues with products
- Site visit to carry out equipment install
- Site visit to explain operation of products
- Site visit to identify spare part requirements
- Site visit to instruct on, or install spare parts.
Please call 847 290 8250 to receive service support, or e mail